From 13 to 16 of July 2022 the Halong University (HALOU) organized a project meeting in Uong Bi City, Vietnam, at HALOU University premissses, that include a dissemination event, a steering committee and capacity building workshops. For the first time since the beginning of the project, all partners – European and Vietnamese – attended the meeting in presence. The dissemination event hosted more than 100 participants; the participants of the event include representative of Ministry of Education and Training, partner of the project as well as new stakeholders as Provincial Department for Labour, Disables and Society, Association of Touristic Agencies of Quang Ninh Province and new colleges and universities as Quang Ninh University of Industry, College of Industry and Construction of Quang Ninh, Vietnam-Korea College in Qunag Ninh and North East College of Agriculture and Forestry, Quang Ninh, Vietnam. At event participated as well local students. Participants from Vietnam include the Project partners: Hanoi University; Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology; National University of Arts Education; Vietnam National University of Agriculture; Thai Nguyen University; Hanoi University of Home Affairs; Hanoi Tourism College; Academy of Journalism and Communication; Hanoi SME. Participants from programme country side (EU partners) include AlmaLaurea as Project coordinator, Spanish National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA), International Consulting and Mobility Agency (INCOMA), University of Barcelona and FJ Joanneum, University of Applied Sciences. The workshops topic focuses on “Skills, key competences and employment” chaired by INCOMA.
Presentations (available to logged in users only through Reserved Area)
Minutes (available to logged in users only through Reserved Area)